? ? ? ? On the eve of "July 1", the company's party branch was awarded "Guangdong Province Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization for Strengthening the Foundation" by the provincial party committee, which is the only private enterprise party organization in Jieyang City to be awarded this honor, and it is an honorable title granted to the company's party branch by the party and the government.
? ? ? ? 6月26日上午,在省委大禮堂舉行了隆重的表彰大會,公司黨支部委員、辦公室主任許靜光同志代表公司黨支部出席了表彰大會。
? ? ? ? 被授予“廣東省固本強(qiáng)基先進(jìn)基層黨組織”這一光榮稱號,離不開上級黨組織、公司領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和各部門的關(guān)心與大力支持,更離不開支部全體黨員的努力拼搏。
? ? ? ? 黨支部要求各位黨員戒驕戒躁,一如既往地在各自崗位上發(fā)揮黨員的模范先鋒作用,爭取更大的勝利。